Natural masks to the hand: level 1

In crisis weather nothing better than to be reitalics and much better if this recurrence helps us to put us to tone with the natural thing, take care of our skin with what we have to hand, saves weather and money to us. Before any thing that we put we us will have to realize of that skin font we have.

4 basic leather Fonts exist: greasy, normal, dry and mixed, because of them we will prepare and do masks that they can help us to improve. The first thing is to hold the icebox up to view if we possess what we need.

Now hands to the work, the first thing that it is necessary to do before applying a good mask it is to exfoliate the skin, to remove the excesses of fat or dead cells that can cover our pores and that prevent that the mask between in depth.

If you have greasy, mixed or normal skin, you can merge the sugar with some lemon drops, if it is dry can merge the sugar with olive oil drops, then you put it on the face and begin with the egg yolk of the fingers to do circular movements, then you debug with lukewarm water or with a wet towel.

You will notice the very soft face, the perfect hour the nourishing mask puts itself, now we need the cream of the yogurt, this that appears at the edge of any yogurt and which we leave many and pull, or average natural yogurt or of fruits.

We will mix with the yogurt all or some of the following ingredients as we have them: a spoonful of honey or ideal olive oil for the dry and normal skins, an aloe spoonful will view or 3 tracks cucumber for the fats and mixed ones, and if we are very lucky insurance that we will have 1 oats spoonful in any presentation.

We mix the yogurt and the oats if we have it with the ingredients that correspond to our skin, can spend it for the mixer or mix it with a spoon, then we apply it in the face in 20 minutes and debug with abundant lukewarm water.

It does not matter but we have all the ingredients can use those that we have, and what us on podemos to preserve it in a clean receptacle and to save it in the icebox. It is possible to do two times per week or one according to our needs also is the best for an easy shave.

Posted on 9:59 PM by JustForMan ! No1 and filed under | 0 Comments »


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